Archive | February, 2014

Dedicated Server: Points to keep in mind

15 Feb

There are many important points that one should keep in mind while you are planning to buy a dedicated server for your business. Although, it is always advisable to maintain your exchange email hosting on a dedicated server. However a managed server provides more support and services thereby ensuring smooth  business operations . Normally, the managed server has got a target client base, which consists of people who are technically challenged or have limited technical knowledge. On the other hand, the dedicated server in India works well with big business houses (who have a separate and dedicated IT team) and big website companies.

Dedicated Hosting India

Dedicated Server

The basic management of server involves paying attention to the following points:

  • Monitoring of server
  • Services for firewall
  • Securing software from any kind of spam
  • Maintaining regular backups and restoration of data in case of data loss
  • Updating the applications regularly
  • Installation  and configuration of  any new software
  • Controlling and giving access to users as per their requirement
  • Hosting the DNS
  • Update the antivirus at regular intervals
  • Any other consultation service that might be required

Thus, no matter whether you have a Dedicated Server Hosting or a shared one; it is important that you do take proper care of the server and maintain the above mentioned list of items. Any kind of careless attitude towards the server might lead it to crash and that would make you suffer huge losses of important data across the board. So, be careful to maintain a constant vigilance all the time.

Why are dedicated servers essential?

12 Feb

Dedicated Hosting

Many times people while selecting a dedicated server, land up in dilemma. The problem that they face is the decision making about buying or renting the servers. They keep thinking whether they should buy a dedicated server or should they go and rent one? This question can be best answered by you. In case you are into a business wherein if the server crashes or it faces some issues then that would make you incur huge loses, so it is advisable that you should have a dedicated server at your disposal on which you can not only move your data traffic, but also configure your exchange email hosting.

Also with a dedicated server one will get more time to invest in different other aspects of business rather than trying to troubleshoot problems that happen with the server. But then, a rented server will always cost you much less and therefore you’ll end up saving your capital which you would later need to spend on a new Dedicated Server Hosting.

So, the point is that a server which is totally dedicated for your work is only required depending on the nature of job you are into and if not, then having the same will hamper your business and revenues negatively. Though technology always suggests that you should have a Dedicated Server of your own as that gives you more freedom over the way it works plus you would be able to squeeze out more benefits from it.